Unlocking secret codes on the BMW E36 18 button OBC is simple, and very useful. With it, you can disable your Check Control (If your car isn't equipped with one), you can adjust your fuel consumption readout, change the language of the module and see additional real-time data about your car. And more...
How to unlock 18 button OBC board computer
Press 1000 and 10.
At the TEST prompt, enter 19.
- Press SET/RES, and you should see LOCK:ON.
- Press the DATE key.
- Add the two date numbers (month and day) together (Example - today is April 9th, so you add April (04) and 9th (09) - that gives us 13.
- Enter the number you've calculated (13), and press SET/RES.
- That should unlock the OBC :)
How to turn off Check Control Inactive message on the 18 button OBC
Hold down 1000 and 10 to access hidden menu.
At the TEST prompt, enter 11 and press SET/RES.
- You should get EINHEIT 1: ## readout.
- Change the EINHEIT value to 75 using 10 and 1 buttons.
- Press SET/RES.
- Change to EINHEIT 2: ## using 1000 and 100 buttons.
- Set EINHEIT 2 value to FF using 10 and 1 buttons.
- Press SET/RES and you're done.
BMW E36 OBC Menu List
Display test
Current consumption L/100km
- Current consumption L/h
- Average Consumption
- Current range
- Average Fuel in Tank (L)
- Current Speed (km/h)
- System Voltage
- Country - Language setting
- Check control setting
- Average Speed (km/h)
- OBC Software date
- Production diagnosis
Production diagnosis
- Display vehicle specific data
- Alarm setting
- OBC Lock & Unlock
- Correction factor for consumption
- OBC Reset
Well, that's most of it - please note, that some versions have different codes. If this doesn't work for you, leave a comment, and we'll try to figure something out.
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